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英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇一

fr: jerry

subject: update


i wanted to address all of you on the news weve just announced. the board of directors and i has agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo!. roy bostock, our chairman of the board, is leading the effort to identify and assess potential candidates for consideration by the full board. the board will be evaluating and considering both internal and external candidates and has retained heidrick and struggles to help in this effort.

i will be participating in the search for my successor, and i will continue as ceo until the board selects a new ceo. once a successor is named, i will return to my previous role as chief yahoo and continue to serve as a director on the board.

last june, i accepted the boards request that i assume the ceo role to restructure and reposition the company as a whole in order to more effectively meet the fast-changing needs of both users and partners. since taking on the ceo role, i has had an ongoing dialogue with the board about succession timing. thanks in large measure to your tireless efforts, we have created a more open, competitive yahoo! and we believe the time is now right to transition to a new ceo who can take the company to the next level.

despite the external environment we face, the fact remains that yahoo! is now a significantly different company that is

company name or letterhead


city, state zip




city, state zip


effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc., in baton rouge. therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the human resources department within aaa associates, effective september 30.

the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here. the job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, i’ve gained skills in several related fields. these cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, i’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. all of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both aaa (company) and me. 字串9

as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

thank you for the rewarding experience i’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.


dear mr.

please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the gert institute. i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.

as you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. therefore, i’ve accepted a position with fury refining, inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

although i’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, i regret leaving the institute. you and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. i won’t forget the friendship and professional growth i’ve experienced as an employee here. 字串6

best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.



after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (company). needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

please make my resignation effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. i will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. my association with hhh has been a valued part of my life.

good luck to you in the years to come.



i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the xxx plant, effective may 15. as of now, i’m not quite sure where i’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.


frankly, vernon, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position. under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

i do appreciate the management training i’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career i decide to pursue. my best wishes for the company’s continued growth.






subject: resignation

please accept my resignation as associate chemist at xxx research, inc.; my last day will be august 15, 19–.

while enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, i feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which i developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. therefore, i have accepted a position more in line with those interests at meadows chemical company.

this decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at xxx inc..

英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇三

since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, i am forced to tender my resignation. however, i have a few parting thoughts.

1. when someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation. the most you can say to hurt me is i prefer not to comment. i will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest, because i know you would be unable to do it on your own.

2. i have all the passwords to every account on the system, and i know every password you have used for the last five years. if you decide to get cute, i am going to publish your favorites list, which i conveniently saved when you made me back up your useless files. i do believe that terms like lolita are not usually viewed favorably by the administration.

3. when you borrowed the digital camera to take pictures of your mothers birthday, you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. then you forgot to erase them like the techno-moron you really are. suffice it to say i have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle, but i assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the

authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (try to use a spell check please;

i hate having to correct your mistakes.)

thank you for your time, and i expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow. one word of this to anybody, and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public. never screw with your systems administrator. why? because they know what you do with all that free time!

wishing you a grand and glorious day.

英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇四

dear wang:


from november to the first interview now, i work in an instant the great wall of life for nearly two years, when i got the heavy hand of 3-year contract, the mood is very complex. i choose not to renew muster a lot of courage and determination.

i still remember the look with confidence to the interview, still remember to give me an interview small total, total forest, jiaozhu ren warm smile, even remember the bad sense of direction, i rush to catch a shuttle kind of embarrassed at 105 butler bridge, really the vivid. wang, you remember? our dinner in the small dining room inside, you let these new college students per contract dish, we eat together, laugh together, talk together to talk about the idea of learning to work and the attitude towards life. i think this is what i want to come to the place.

time really flies. take a look at the company on the wall depicting vivid photos and see for yourself camera records scenes corporate events, how much i desperately integrate into the community. from the office to the documents to the finance ministry, under the busy upstairs every day, pass by colleagues, i called out the names of each of them, so real and intimate, i use best efforts to do their work and assist others the work. i remember every night overtime, and colleagues waiting for guests to reply, hoping to win orders; remember i racked my brain comedy show on expanding training programs so that everyone tears laughing out; i remember staying up late writing year-end party lines weekend rehearsal with everyone, is certainly hard work and sweat; remember my passion lofty shouting sea enterprise wall, united until his throat was unable to say anything; i remember kneeling on the ground that we posted a variety of photos, each issue of making our poster; i remember a question the teacher lectures on lin weixian jizhongshengzhi scene i think, actually got so much appreciation ...... maybe im not the best people, but i really have been working hard.

there are too many things that we have experienced together, each segment for us, have many memories; there are too many thank to say, without you i am not the first one flew over the bridge, without you im not so much the passion to release, it will not grow so much. and we say goodbye is not an easy thing to do, i do not even dare to look at your eyes, and you are important to me is very important, i am very concerned about each one, our team is very good very good. but leave, i have to do is choose.

economic seminars, consulting companies, one being a reform of our company, i saw a company to do everything; i have to do everything possible to actively participate. change is not easy, as the course rome was not built in a day, requires a cumulative, long-term trend continues, i firmly believe that our company will be a good long-term, i believe our team and leadership. i saw human resources, employee benefits are many ways on track, really happy for everyone. able to work in such an atmosphere overseas group, for any trade term trade based on people it is a very honorable thing. i am still very grateful to the company had selected me and gave me the opportunity to exercise.

im a stick man. i stepped into the door from school, i told myself in the future to become a good foreign trade salesman, into the company from the very first day i wanted to be the endeavor of the salesman, i think any of the other activities, halo, honor all but more rewarding than doing business come. but very unfortunately, two years, despite my best efforts, but did not bring much help to enhance the sectors performance. adjust the overall decline this year and the countrys foreign trade policy does make me worry about their future, and even questioned once the choice, i would like to find a suitable platform and the future direction of advance is my most important thing.

i have said that life is like a race, i do not want to stop. it was also said that the opportunity is left to prepare people. when i want to seize my chance when i was young, i had the opportunity to choose, even if i can afford the time to fail, give yourself a new chance to try.

thank you for your willingness to retain me, if you think so. i will retain you as my greatest encouragement, firm go; i thank you still think im a person can be cultivated, thank you saw and recognized me in the company every day, every activity efforts.

i think when i was young, energetic, passionate and motivated is still time to take the initiative to choose a new life. in fact, the road ahead, i do not know, but for myself, i am confident.

come , the great wall enterprise sea refueling, refueling jennifer!

1.i want to expand my horizons.


made a tough decision, sir. here is my resignation.


3.i quit because i dont want to be stuck in a rut. i want to move on.


of all, id like to say that ive really enjoyed working with you. however, i think its about time for me to leave.


been trying, but i dont think im up to this job.


been here for too long. i want to change my environment.


sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment, but ive decided to study abroad.


be honest, ive got a better offer.


running out of steam. i need to take a break.


quitting because i want to try something different.


英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇五


after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (company). needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

please make my resignation effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. i will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here。 the job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, i’ve gained skills in several related fields。 these cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, i’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations。 all of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both aaa (company) and me。 as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth。

i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. my association with hhh has been a valued part of my life.

good luck to you in the years to come.


the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here。 the job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, i’ve gained skills in several related fields。 these cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, i’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations。 all of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both aaa (company) and me。 as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth。


英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇六









dear institute leader:

how are you! it is a pity that at this time the official resignation was made to the hospital. i wrote this resignation report with extremely complicated feelings. please believe me, this is not an impulse, but a decision that i made after careful consideration.

it has been more than three years since i came to the hospital. it was here that i started to embark on a social journey and completed my transformation from a student to a social person. it can be said that the best time in my life was spent here. three years of study have enabled me to have a deeper understanding of the theoretical knowledge i have learned in previous books, and my business abilities are constantly improving. what is important is that i learned how to be a person here; the equality of interpersonal relationships in a hospital, the open work style, and the humanistic management gave me the feeling of finding a way to rely on me. here i can have a happy job and a happy learning. whenever i encounter difficulties, everyone can give a helping hand and give them care. however, there is no challenge in the nursing work. the tedious and mechanical work of the nurses and the extremely low status of the nursing staff always make themselves embarrassed. this is true. from this i began to ponder, perhaps only suffering from frustration and setbacks, learning hard in the hard work, to find their own position, is my next choice in life.

i am from the countryside. i am the son of a peasant and i have suffered a lot from hardship and suffering. however, i’ve been very successful since i was a child. this made me feel fortunate and i am now in deep misery, unable to extricate myself. maybe people really want to learn to grow up. accustomed to continuous efforts, continuous learning, continuous progress, but it is difficult to adapt to the protection of the environment, and often people will tell me introverted and personality is too prominent, this is a breakthrough for the hospital to cultivate talent or my own perfect difficulties, perhaps this is also the reason why i find it difficult to adapt to this environment; i once thought why i was forced to adapt myself to the environment. perhaps this kind of environment can no longer adapt to the development of the times. please forgive my mouth for madness! although my concept is: people need continuous development, progress, and perfection. in fact, i have also been trying to change and become adaptable to the environment in order to better play my role. but i think it's really hard. after considering it for a long time, i decided to leave! !

within two days of giving his resignation, i will leave the hospital and leave my colleagues who have shared the pains and hardships. i am reluctant to accept the leadership of the leaders, and i cannot bear the sincerity and friendliness among my colleagues. however, it has been decided that the retention will only make it harder for me to finally leave. please ask the leader for approval! thank you!

finally, sincerely wish the hospital will continue to soar! leadership and colleagues work smoothly!

resigner: xx

x year x month x day

英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇七

esteemed company leader:


i have been in the company for more than a year from xx may. i have been helped by your colleagues in this year's work and study. especially with your trust and support, i also strive to fulfill my duty. however, after repeated consideration, i decided to write this resignation letter and put forward a formal resignation application to the company. i hope the company can give a reply as soon as possible.

in fact, i made this decision, i also know that you are about to suffer from the pressure of the parties will be, also clear in the economic environment deteriorating today, can be put in a more favorable work to resign after the transfer cost brought by the pros and cons. but i think i should transfer to the company to clarify several problems:

first, my job is mainly a combination of occupation planning and its development direction under consideration. we often say "men are afraid to choose the wrong line, and women are afraid to marry the wrong lang." especially in this era of information knowledge explosion, time and direction seem so important every moment. my major in the university is marketing, financial related specialties, and the work i do in the company is all related to communications and architecture. this, to some extent, determines my inadequacy in this respect. as the saying goes, gehangrugeshan; in the same working conditions, for the same related business skills is far slower than others to accept a shot, the time spent naturally much more than others; at the same time, i also understand between advantages in those areas. therefore, if i have a choice, i will choose a field that is more conducive to the development of my own, so that i will be more conducive to my future career planning and development.

second, the choice is to apply at this time, because i have not been formally recruited until now, and at the same time, when related work and business are not fully started, it is convenient for management and transfer in work, so as not to affect the progress of related projects when the supervisor resigns.

third, if i really want to say what i do not want to resign, that is because of my dream. of course, this sentence from me such a just out of college students near the mouth, may make a lot of people seem to be very disdain, there will be a lot of people think that this is only an arrogant boy naive. here i do not need to judge others, because it all seems too early, and my life is just beginning. i don't want to fight for my ideals just because of other people's disdain and worry. i think if i quit today, i may regret it for a while, but if i don't quit, i will regret it for the rest of my life.

i am a walk out from the children in the countryside, i understand that parents can understand their good heart, good mood anxious children growing up. at the same time, i also understand that today's resignation will bring between family and loved ones don't understand much, but i'm not the one who gives up the struggle of the people! of course, i understand that their starting point is good, but often a lot of parents for children is always spoiled, often hope that through their own to fix the road for their children, their children launched another process. it is true that their ideas are right, but they ignore their own children's own ideas. in fact, for every citizen in a society, no education is more important than giving them independence, self reliance and failure.

fourth, i transfer naturally not because of poor working conditions of such problems. i am a walk out from the countryside, i chose to leave, it is not afraid of hardship is not what, you don't know how to insist on; just for me, no matter what type of job, the direction is always more important than the location of the station to. i just hope that every job can bring more happiness to me, enable me to achieve more personal value and give me more chances to make full use of my abilities. i want to do all my work as a cause, and it will make me understand more of the meaning of life. i don't want me to be a job only in my life!

the above is the main reason for my departure. the reason why i leave the company is entirely out of the comprehensive consideration of my own career planning. so in the work place what if there are mistakes and shortcomings, but also hope to get everyone's understanding! at the same time, also ask the company to accept my resignation! during this period, i will try to assist the company to complete the transfer of work procedures, abide by the company's secret association, until the company formally notified the turnover.

here, i would like to thank the leaders of the company and the project department, especially the director of the project department, for his help and support in his work, as well as my colleagues' care and trust for me. i also sincerely hope that the company's business will flourishing and the transformation to modern enterprises will be completed at an early date.

finally, i wish all the colleagues a successful career and a smooth work!

thank you!

resignation: xxx

xx november xx day

英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇八


two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine design & fashions. but now you find that the work is not what you expected. you decide to quit. write a letter to your boss, mr wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and make an apology.

write your letter with no less than 100 words. write it neatly on answer sheet 2.

do not sign your own name at the end of the term, use "li ming" instead.

you do not need to write the address. (10 points)

yours truly,


英文辞职信标题 英文辞职信字带翻译篇九

dear se:

after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (company)less to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

please make my resignation effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation.i will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much association with hhh has been a valued part of my life.

good luck to you in the years to come.

