

英 美
  • n. [岩] 岩石,岩礁;岩石礁石(rock复数形式)
  • v. 轻轻摇摆;发抖;演唱摇滚乐(rock的第三人称单数形式)
  • n. (Rocks)人名;(英、德)罗克斯


Six 4-H girls worked to clean the 72 foot curbside that was covered with weeds, rocks and trash.


Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert: gravel (砾石), stones and rocks.

2019年高考英语全国卷I 完形填空 原文

Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.

2015年高考英语浙江卷 单项填空 原文

People have long puzzled over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks.

2015年高考英语四川卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

The pony had actually been trapped between two rocks.

2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.

2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ